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We want to be purposeful & motivated in living out our vision 'Radically loved, Radically loving', so have worked hard to ensure our values will generate a bold church keen to impact the community around us.



We are created to create, choosing to listen to God and the community around us in order to authentically live out His kingdom in St Helens. We hope that in all we do we will point people to the radical love of Jesus.




We are called to reach the younger generation & will not be afraid to be innovative in engaging them with the message of Jesus. We are committed to growing God’s kingdom & will actively look for and work towards opportunities to plant more gatherings & see more people explore faith. We will go to the people rather than waiting for them to come to us.




We believe in growing and developing leaders & working with local leaders and organisations in helping shape the culture around us. We want to enjoy the adventure we are on & welcome others on the journey.




We are passionate about serving our community, generously giving to those in need and standing up for those who feel they have no voice. We are radically loved, so choose to radically love others how we’ve been loved.



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